Saturday, July 15, 2006

How to Spray Paint Your Guitar

Giving the stringed instrument a singular customised look will be plenty of labor, however believe it or not, this paint job is fun. you will paint your stringed instrument in any combination of colours, and therefore the variations area unit limitless. There area unit several guitarists and musicians from the music trade UN agency have started the trend of painting their guitars in a very customised manner and personalizing them, is being followed by thousands of guitarists everywhere the globe. However, nowadays, makers area unit introducing guitars that have already got the required look and distinctive vogue. If you get best beginner guitar, you would like not repaint them. Aspiring guitarists usually get drawn to the various signature models of world-famous guitarists. As a result, they are going to a paint search and provoke a paint job by concerning the stringed instrument color pattern of the instrumentalist they like.

DIY stringed instrument Painting

Spray painting techniques will be used if you would like the stringed instrument to own a sleek and glossy end which might enhance its look. this system permits the stringed instrument to own a mix of colours on any specific expanse. The stringed instrument neck should be painted when dismantlement it from the body. There area unit only a few stringed instrument players UN agency really opt to get their stringed instrument pedal or the consequences processor painted. allow us to get at home with the steps on repainting a stringed instrument.

Procedure to Custom Paint a stringed instrument

Detach the Fretboard

Before beginning the paint job, you would like to get rid of all strings from the stringed instrument, and unscrew the standardization pegs and tuners from the support. you would like to get rid of the strings for detaching the neck that should be painted one by one. Use some masking paper strips for covering the guitar's fretboard fully. you must not let any paint or lacquer get on the frets. obtaining some paint on the fingerboard can cause you to treat the fretboard surface one by one when the paint job. Detach the fretboard off the stringed instrument, that you'll ought to handle removing the screws from the rear of the stringed instrument.

Remove Pickups and parts

Put on one coat of wood end to the rear of the neck and on the support. Keep the neck one by one for the paint to dry out. successive step would be removing pickups and therefore the contact plate from the stringed instrument. Pickups will solely be removed once the wiring connections area unit disconnected, that you'll be able to use a attachment gun. If you're thinking of painting acoustic guitars, you merely ought to cowl the hole to prevent the paint from mature the within of the stringed instrument.

Sand the Surfaces

You would ought to utilize a 100-grit sandpaper so as to sand each side of the stringed instrument body. Get obviate all the acrylic on the body, particularly at the perimeters and arcs. you would possibly even ought to to boot sand the surface employing a fine grit sandpaper. make sure that the body is totally fine on each side, then take the wood from the surface.

Apply Primer

Surface the stringed instrument body with a primer coat. you'll be able to utilize either dispenser primer or just a brush to use the primer on the stringed instrument. If you're victimization paint, no worries; however if it's a brush, you'll ought to additional sand the uneven painted surfaces and bumps. make sure that you coat each side equally, then enable the primer to dry out for one whole day. you will even opt to paint one facet, keep it for drying, then begin with the opposite facet.

Apply Paints

Smoothen the stringed instrument surface by sanding down the runs within the primer. it's counseled to use a paint mask to avert inhaling unhealthful fumes returning from the paint. Use a sprayer to use your favorite color on the front of the stringed instrument body. make sure that you employ the back-and-forth motion whereas spraying. this may stop the likelihood of the paint effort any empty spots. Let the paint dry out for about daily. You then ought to paint the rear facet, and let it dry for one more twenty four hours. If you would like to use many coats, you will do therefore, however solely when the painted surface is desiccated. Use a mix of bright red, orange, and yellow color paint if you would like a sunburst look for your stringed instrument. you will even paint flames on your stringed instrument by victimization the acceptable color and techniques.

Apply Lacquer and set up elements

After the paint dries out, you finally ought to attach the neck to the body, and fix all the elements that you just removed before painting. you will even accept applying a couple of coats of lacquer for giving the surface a finished, shiny look and feel. to boot, since you're creating the stringed instrument somewhat new, you will even think about replacement its elements like the scratchplate, switches, controls, bridge, and significantly the pickups.

If you're still undecided concerning the way to paint a stringed instrument, you'll be able to perpetually cotton on painted from an expert. Before you employ the applier and paint, make sure that you're at home with victimization the tool within the correct manner. this can be as a result of the paint surface quality greatly depends on however the gun is employed. If you would like to urge the stringed instrument parts replaced, it's perpetually higher to hunt skilled recommendation.

Thursday, December 22, 2005


We will be on CNN on December 23, 2005 at 9:20 a.m. EST to talk about Wheels to Africa and our trip this summer. Please watch! Happy holidays!

Monday, December 19, 2005

Collection a success!

Thank you to everyone who came out to the collection Saturday. We spent 4 hours in the cold weather assembling the bikes to be transported to Namibia, and we ended up blowing the goal out of the water! We collected over 150 bikes on Saturday, and even picked up a few more on Sunday. The total was more than 160!

There are articles in the Washington Post and the Washington Examiner newspapers today about the event and the organization. Please grab a copy and check it out!

We'll keep you updated with the press coverage and future events. Thank you again for your help!

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Flyers Distributed on a cold night - December 13

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Winston Duncan distributed 32 flyers to various businesses in the Arlington area to remind everyone of the event. It was 18 degrees with the windchill but he didn't seem to mind as he hopped back in the car with his wonderful grin of accomplishment beaming. "Mom, there was one girl who went to HB Woodlawn, this guy goes to Yorktown, and a guy in the barber shop said his son told him about the assembly program at our school. This is so great, Mom thanks for helping me!"

I am Winston's Mom and I just wanted to share with everyone his excitement for his new organization. Winston, age 11, gave me $200 from his birthday money to start this organization because he wanted to help the people of Africa. Please support his idea and bring your bikes on Saturday, December 17 to Yorktown High School.





Monday, December 12, 2005

Wheels to Africa: Bike Collection Dec. 17

Yorktown High School
Arlington, VA
10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Bring old or new bikes and accessories, to change the lives of people in Namibia, Africa.

Donations of $10 are also suggested to cover the costs for shipping/transportation.

I am a 5th grader at Nottingham Elementary School and my friends and I are trying to collect 75 bikes for Africa. Please help us reach our goal!